

For Caitlin working with animals wasn’t a choice. It was unavoidable! She has been an animal lover and guardian since coming home from the hospital and has surrounded herself with various animals ever since. At the tender age of 10 she began walking dogs for families on her street in Brooklyn, New York. Over the years she continued her own pet care business, both in NYC and in the Boston area, as well as later working at dog daycare facilities and doing volunteer work with various rescue groups.

She has always enjoyed training and working interactively with her dogs, but it wasn’t until a fearful Great Dane puppy, Halpert, entered her life that her interest in dog behavior and behavior modification really peaked. After seeing too many people, herself included, training dogs with methods based on intimidation and force, she realized through her readings and experiences that the answer was clear, and became passionate about positive reinforcement training. She began studying positive dog training under Jenny Chun and Rikke Brogaard, two well respected NYC trainers, through their NYC Positive Dog Trainers Academy (now NY Force Free Dog Behavior Consultants LLC), and graduated in 2012. She also apprenticed under another Brooklyn trainer, and attended a number of other training seminars. After graduating from the program she went on to work for Jenny Chun’s business, Give Paw Dog Training, LLC, before moving to the Boston area for a few years. Now settled in New Jersey Caitlin worked for Andrea Kilkenny at Our Gang Pet Services helping run their Day Training Program for 2 years, and has begun working for Give Paw Dog Training again.

Caitlin is currently counting hours towards her CPDT certification. She is dedicated to using humane, scientifically proven methods to make communicating with your dog easier, and the both of you happier. From her own experiences using these methods she has seen the benefits, both in behavioral results as well as in the relationships between dog and owner. She can’t imagine a better job than helping others understand these amazing creatures we share our lives with.


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